Tax Loophole for Deducting Home Equity Loan Interest

Also, remember that you can’t deduct your home equity loan interest if you take the standard deductions, which are slightly higher in 2021 versus 2020. If you aren’t sure whether to itemize or take the standard deduction, contact a tax professional for guidance. If you can prove you use some of your home’s square footage for business purposes, you may be eligible for this deduction.

home equity loan interest in 2018

Mortgage treated as used to buy, build, or substantially improve home. Mortgage assistance payments under section 235 of the National Housing Act. For a home equity loan, you can deduct the interest on up to $750,000 of the loan. Amanda Jackson has expertise in personal finance, investing, and social services. She is a library professional, transcriptionist, editor, and fact-checker.

Mortgage insurance is still deductible as well

You must take care to deduct only those points legally allowable. Additionally, certain points not included on Form 1098 may also be deductible, either in the year paid or over the life of the loan. See the earlier discussion of Points to determine whether you can deduct points not shown on Form 1098. See Part II. Limits on Home Mortgage Interest Deduction, later.

home equity loan interest in 2018

Credit card APRs hit a record high of 19.04 percent on Nov. 9, no doubt a result of the Fed’s rapid tightening this year. They’ve only kept heading up since, surging to 19.42 percent on Dec. 14, according to Bankrate data. Our mission is to provide readers with accurate and unbiased information, and we have editorial standards in place to ensure that happens. Our editors and reporters thoroughly fact-check editorial content to ensure the information you’re reading is accurate.

Tax Deductions For Homeowners: Your Breaks And Benefits

With the increased standard deduction and the limitation of the state and local income tax deduction to just $10,000, claiming a mortgage interest deduction will be more difficult than ever before. The number of taxpayers who itemize will fall from 1 in 3 to roughly 1 in 10. Therefore, for most taxpayers the mortgage interest deduction will go away in 2018 because of other changes in the tax law. The maximum amount used as acquisition indebtedness is reduced from $1,000,000 to $750,000 ($375,000 married filing separately). However, this limitation only applies to acquisition debt incurred after December 15, 2017. Prior to the passage of the Tax Reform Act of 1986 , all personal interest was deductible.

You can use the highest mortgage balances during the year, but you may benefit most by using the average balances. The following are methods you can use to figure your average mortgage balances. However, if a mortgage has more than one category of debt, see Mixed-use mortgages, later, in this section. As a general rule, Form 1098 will include only points that you can fully deduct in the year paid. However, it may report points that you can't deduct, particularly if you are filing married filing separately or have mortgages for multiple properties.

Credits & Deductions

Lenders do expect the number of people borrowing against equity to cover expenses to increase, but Americans’ relatively high rates of savings compared to past economic downturns should mitigate that risk, Gupta says. The Federal Reserve again raised its benchmark interest rate, but only by half a percentage point. If you’re interested in seeing how much you can borrow with a home equity loan, start an application with Rocket Mortgage® to see if you qualify. Next, you must have receipts, contracts, and any other documentation proving how you used the funds. Finally, show your Closing Disclosure and mortgage deed, and you can prove how you used the funds.

home equity loan interest in 2018

You can't deduct the home mortgage interest on grandfathered debt if you used the proceeds of the mortgage to buy securities or certificates that produce tax-free income. “Grandfathered debt” is defined in Part II of this publication. If you qualify for mortgage assistance payments for lower-income families under section 235 of the National Housing Act, part or all of the interest on your mortgage may be paid for you. If you're a minister or a member of the uniformed services and receive a housing allowance that isn't taxable, you can still deduct your home mortgage interest. Through April 30, they made home mortgage interest payments of $1,220. The settlement sheet for the sale of the home showed $50 interest for the 6-day period in May up to, but not including, the date of sale.

You will include the interest for January 2023 with other interest you pay for 2023. You can deduct the rest of the points over the life of the loan. This means you report income in the year you receive it and deduct expenses in the year you pay them. Payments on a nonredeemable ground rent aren't mortgage interest. You can deduct them as rent if they are a business expense or if they are for rental property. If you make annual or periodic rental payments on a redeemable ground rent, you can deduct them as mortgage interest.

Interest on mortgage debt up to $750,000 can be deducted on homes purchased after Dec. 15, 2017. Homeowners who bought before then can still deduct the interest on mortgage debt of up to $1 million. In the past, interest on qualifying home equity debt was deductible regardless of how the loan proceeds were used. A taxpayer could, for example, use the proceeds to pay for medical bills, tuition, vacations, vehicles and other personal expenses and still claim the itemized interest deduction.

The answer: It's still legal, but many people won't be able to use the deduction

The March through December balances were all $180,000 because none of her principal payments are applied to the home acquisition debt. (They are all applied to the home equity debt, reducing it to $10,000 [$20,000 − $10,000].) The monthly balances of the home acquisition debt total $1,800,000 ($180,000 × 10). Therefore, the average balance of the home acquisition debt for 2022 was $150,000 ($1,800,000 ÷ 12).

In 2022, Bill refinanced that mortgage with a 15-year $100,000 mortgage loan. Two points ($2,000) were for prepaid interest, and one point ($1,000) was charged for services, in place of amounts that are ordinarily stated separately on the settlement statement. Bill paid the points out of his private funds, rather than out of the proceeds of the new loan.


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